The official results of the March 13, 2022 Career Service Examination - Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) for Professional and Subprofessional level is now available as the Civil Service Commission (CSC) posted the list of passers on their website:
Of the total 70,833 actual number of examinees nationwide, 12,179 examinees or 17.19% passed the test. In terms of level of exam, 9,651 out of 56,980 individuals who took the Professional test hurdled the exam, translating to a passing rate of 16.94%. The passing rate for the Subprofessional test is slightly higher at 18.25% or 2,528 passers out of 13,853 examinees.
On the right-hand side of the CSC website homepage, the examinee can click on “Examination Result” to access the List of Passers per level of exam and region. Only the names of passers can be searched from the list; if an examinee’s name cannot be found, it means they failed the test.
View List of Passers here:
To use the OCSERGS, examinees shall be asked to input their date, type, and place of examination in the corresponding data fields under the applicant’s personal information.
- Driver’s License
- Passport
- PRC License
- SSS I.D.
- Voter’s I.D./Voter’s Certification
- BIR I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture)
- PhilHealth I.D. (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number)
- Company/Office I.D.
- School I.D.
- Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate
- Postal I.D.
- Barangay I.D.
- NBI Clearance
- Seaman’s Book
- HDMF Transaction I.D.
- PWD I.D.
- Solo Parent I.D.
- Senior Citizen’s I.D.
- ACR I-Card
Resulting Civil Service Eligibility
The civil service eligibility resulting from passing the CSE (Professional) shall be called Career Service Professional Eligibility. It is a second level eligibility appropriate for both first level (clerical) and second level (technical) positions in the government that do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by special/other laws.
The civil service eligibility resulting from passing the CSE (SubProfessional) shall be called Career Service SubProfessional Eligibility. It is a first level eligibility appropriate only for first level (clerical) positions in the government that do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by special/other laws.
Next Civil Service Exam Schedule
Check the 2022 Calendar of Civil Service Examinations with specific schedules. You may read the full set of guidelines here, including application requirements and procedures.
Aside from the traditional pen-and-paper mode, the Career Service Examination can also be taken through a computerized mode — CSC Computerized Examination (COMEX).
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