DETAILS: 2021 DOST-SEI S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program

The Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) is now accepting applications for the 2021 DOST-SEI Undergraduate S&T Scholarship Program for incoming Grade 12 students in AY 2020-2021 who intend to pursue STEM courses when they enroll in college next year.

DETAILS: 2020 DOST-SEI Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS)

The Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) is now accepting applications for Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) Program for incoming regular third year college students in Academic Year 2020-2021 who are enrolled in priority science and technology courses.

DETAILS: AHME Scholarship Program for 2020-2021

The Bangsamoro Government through the Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education (MBHTE) is now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for the AHME Scholarship Program.

APPLY ONLINE NOW! PNP is Hiring Police Officers for Attrition Quota 2020 | Nationwide

The Philippine National Police (PNP) has announced the opening of recruitment for new Police Officers (Patrolman/Patrolwoman) Attrition Quota nationwide on its official facebook page for recruitmentPNP Recruitment and Selection Service - PNP RSS.

APPLY NOW: DOJ Job Vacancies for 2020 | Nationwide

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is inviting interested and qualified individuals to join their team. The DOJ recently released their list of vacant positions (nationwide) on their official website: